Arbeitsblatt: Webquest Catchy Tunes


Webquest Open World 2 Unit 3 Catchy Tunes Report and Webquest Link
Gemischte Themen
8. Schuljahr
5 Seiten




Sabrina Keller
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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TALL task 7 Sabrina Keller Sabrina Keller 2020 Report Open World 2 Unit 3 – Catchy Tunes Link to my WebQuest: Webquest Open World 2 Unit 3 Catchy Tunes: Startseite ( Introduction The following WebQuest is to enrich Unit 3 Catchy Records of Open World 2 by offering range of further exercises about specific genres in music. The WebQuest in general helps students to learn how to do research about specific theme, in this case music genres. By watching videos and reading articles chosen by the teacher, students gain new competences in the English language as well as technological knowledge. This WebQuest is made to enrich Unit 3 Catchy Tunes of Open World 2. So, the general topic is music, musicians and the own preferences in music. Working on it takes approximately 145 minutes, but additional 25 minutes for the presentations. Target learners As this WebQuest is an additive separate element to the unit, it is thought to be done in level (or m) classes. The articles and videos include difficult and sometimes unknown words and natural speaking time, which is too difficult for level student. Also, the final product: the description, one PowerPoint slide and the 5 minutes presentation, is more something for level (or good m) students. All five music genres have the same tasks, but within the group there are possibilities of differentiation, for example not all videos have the same length: slower learners should then choose the shorter videos. HS20 PHTG TALL task 7 Sabrina Keller Rationale Firstly, must explain that this WebQuest is not only to enrich the Open World unit, but also as an interdisciplinary section with the subject Music. There are two possible options to bring this in English and music lessons together: 1) You can do teaching module in music lessons, which takes place either bilingual or only in English. Within this section the students have to research information about their specific genre in English and can do this by working with the WebQuest. The teacher can then decide whether the presentations will be done in German or in English. As far as am concerned there exists no bilingual school or school where the students attend some of their subject in another language than German. This will be good way to do interdisciplinary teaching. 2) You do this WebQuest in the English lesson, but only after the students learned some general knowledge about the topic and important vocabulary, otherwise it will be difficult for the learners to solve the WebQuest. recommend doing it at the end of unit 3. The final projects of this WebQuest are: description paper about the chosen genre One PowerPoint slide with the most important information about the genre and some images short presentation of the genre for about five minutes (this will not be graded) Within the section Aufgaben the students have five different groups about five different music genres (pop, rock, jazz, hip hop and reggae). The teachers example is about classical music. In each group are four students, which means that the WebQuest can be done with twenty students. If there are less students in class, the teacher decides whether he or she wants to quit one music genre. The other possibility is to only watch three videos in task 3 or spend more time on that task. The first HS20 PHTG TALL task 7 Sabrina Keller task is created so that the students must talk and discuss about music in general and about their specific genre. Though the WebQuest is thought to take place only after working on unit 3, the students already have the vocabulary to talk about all of these questions. In task 2 the students are asked to read and find information with the help of the given web links. Further in task 3 the students are expected to watch and listen the YouTube videos. Only in task four the group comes together again to share and discuss their new knowledge about their genre. This task includes also the writing of description paper and designing of one PowerPoint slide. For the last task, 5, the students prepare themselves to tell others who did not work on the same genre about it. The presentation can also be practised in the original group. In the end there is always one member of each group (each music genre) together (five students) for presenting their information to those who did not work on the same genre. Every group (one to five) has the same tasks and the same aims, except the type of music genre. The following aims have to be achieved: The student can summarize information about specific music style. The students can create description paper about self-chosen music style. The students can create one PowerPoint slide including images as well as information about their music genre. The students can do five-minute presentation about their music genre. The students are able to find the essential information in documentary about specific music genre. The students know about the typical characteristics of their chosen music genre. The students are able to explain the historical background of their chosen music style. The students know about other features according to their music genre (for example culture, fashion, politics, ) HS20 PHTG TALL task 7 Sabrina Keller In the section Evaluation the students can see how their work will be graded. This also includes the used sources listed down clearly. In the end the students also fill in an evaluation sheet and send it to the teacher, so the teacher knows about their opinion of the WebQuest. Content, linguistic and language elements of the project As already mentioned, the WebQuest is more about the content than about special linguistic elements. The students learn how to do description paper about some topic and how to present it. Except the fact that this WebQuest is about music, it has nothing to do with the Open World unit and therefore can also be used in music lessons. The WebQuest contains two speaking tasks (task 1: discussion and the presentation at the end), one listening task (task 3: watching the videos), one reading task (task 2: research information) and two production or writing tasks (task 4: creating description paper and one PowerPoint slide). The aim of the WebQuest it therefore also to bring as many different exercises as possible, with technological assistance, to fit into curriculum 21. It was also from importance for me to create an action oriented WebQuest. Critical reflection of your own learning experience and conclusions The most difficult thing for me was to find the technology assisted features like videos and web pages. am not always sure if have found the perfect stuff. Especially secondary school students might find it too difficult. My learning experience was very good, can really imagine creating more WebQuests for other subjects. think that history and geography topics would also perfectly fit into this system. The tool is very easy to handle and looks extremely professional. am also proud of me using guitars to show the social form needed. Furthermore, the creator can choose him-/herself about the amount of work putted into it. It is possible to create tiny WebQuest with maybe only two task or to create huge WebQuest with ten groups and fifteen tasks. That is was most liked about it. HS20 PHTG TALL task 7 Sabrina Keller am totally satisfied with my work. Though am also studying music, it was pleasure to research information and create tasks about this unit. Also, like the possibility to use it in music lessons too and support interdisciplinary teaching as well as teaching other subject in the English language. find my tasks very clear and understandable for secondary school learners. In conclusion, can say that am convinced by WebQuests in general and definitely keep this in the back of mind for future teaching modules. HS20 PHTG