Arbeitsblatt: Double Decker 4, Unit 1, story


while-listening questions
Anderes Thema
6. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Denise Moesch
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

DD4-U1: 4-6 The last day of Pompeii While-listening 1. What kind of city is Pompeii? 2. Whats the date in the story? 3. Whats the name of the man in the story? 4. Whats his wifes name? 5. Whats their daughters name? 6. What happens when he goes to the harbour? 7. Whats the name of the volcano? 8. What does the woman want to pack? 9. How do they cover their heads? 10. Where do the family go? 11. How far is it away? 12. How is it at 11 oclock? 13. How is the wind blowing? 14. How is the sea? 15. How does the girl feel? DD4-U1: 4-6 The last day of Pompeii While-listening 1. What kind of city is Pompeii? 2. Whats the date in the story? 3. Whats the name of the man in the story? 4. Whats his wifes name? 5. Whats their daughters name? 6. What happens when he goes to the harbour? 7. Whats the name of the volcano? 8. What does the woman want to pack? 9. How do they cover their heads? 10. Where do the family go? 11. How far is it away? 12. How is it at 11 oclock? 13. How is the wind blowing? 14. How is the sea? 15. How does the girl feel?