Arbeitsblatt: Guess the job


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Gemischte Themen
8. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Urs Endhardt
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Scientist Vet 4. am very intelligent 3. sometimes wear white, but am not doctor 2. Sometimes, work with microscope 1. often work in laboratory 4. My patients always come together 3. Sometimes, it stinks in my workplace. 2. My patients cannot talk. 1. My patients often have tail. Doctor Dentist 4. have lot of stress in my job, but am no teacher 3. was the first person you saw 2. wear something around my neck 1. sometimes look into the bodies of other people 4. Sometimes, my patients stink little bit 3. In my job work with very hard material 2. MY patients are often afraid of me 1. My patients lie in front of me Police officer Chef 4. When visit you, its bad sign 3. Sometimes, have to run very fast 2. often wear blue or black 1. see lot of dangerous people 4. There is lot of drug abuse at my workplace 3. often work with fire and get burned, but am no firefighter 2. My workplace smells good 1. have funny hat on Nurse Farmer 4. sometimes shove stuff in your butt 3. Many of my colleagues are women 2. do not earn very much 1. take blood from peoples arms 4. My job isnt very popular, but you all need me 3. Sometimes throw around with poo and pee 2. drive strong machine 1. After work, sometimes smell strongly Teacher Student 4. work lot, but not many people believe that 3. am mostly in the right 2. talk lot in my job 1. You all know me 4. am quite young 3. In some countries have to wear uniform 2. Some days, have free afternoon 1. have to sit most of the time.