Arbeitsblatt: NW4 Unit 2


Worksheet: this, that, these, those
8. Schuljahr
3 Seiten




Michael Steiner
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Worksheet: This, that, these, those A: Write the sentences next to the correct picture. (Source: Non Stop English, That is her book. That is his book. That is their book. These are my books. Lehrmittelverlag des Kanton Zürich) These are our books. Those are her books. This is my book. Those are their books. This is our book. Those are his books. : Write the correct word in the gap. (this, that, these, those) New World 4 Unit 2 Grammar 1. Look are my grandparents, and people over there are my friend grandparents. 2. building over there is the Chrysler Building. 3. was great evening, but now its time to go home. 4. bricks over there are for your chimney. 5. On the phone: SUE: Hello, Jane. is Sue. JANE Oh, hi Sue. How are you SUE: Youre friend of Johns, arent you JANE: Yes, is right. SUE: Luke plays the piano very well. JANE Does he I didnt know . C: Write the word to fill the gaps. Use this that these those. 1. are my tights! Yours are over there! 2. Do you like apples here? No thanks, prefer red ones over there. 3. hate horror films on TV. 4. Look, aeroplane is very high up in the sky. 5. like photo here very much. 6. Do you see tree on the hill? Its hundred years old. 7. whale here is amazing! Have you seen baleen whales over there? D: Write the word to fill the gaps. Use this that these those. 1. Im really busy morning. 2. cake you made last week was delicious. 3. Let me introduce you. Sue, is Tom. 4. Im going to take back shoes bought last week. 5. Are you going to watch DVD with us? 6. First you need to chop up tomatoes over there. 7. Hello, is Nick speaking. New World 4 Unit 2 Grammar 8. Yes,s right. completely agree with you New World 4 Unit 2 Grammar