Arbeitsblatt: Young World 1 - U4 - Lückentext Übungstest


The 4 seasons - Lückentext. Übungstest. Wörter der Lernkarten richtig anwenden und im Text einsetzen.
3. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




N. R.
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Young World 1 Unit 4 Arbeitsblatt 1/2 Name: The 4 Seasons Fill in the Caps winter spring summer autumn comes after autumn. Winter is usually . Temperature can fall below 0. In winter it lot. Thats cool! We can snowman. Its outside. Thats why we put on on our hands and around our necks. 8 Pkt. comes after winter. It includes the months march, and . In spring everything can be possible! The sun may . But it can, too. Sometimes you can see in the sky! When it is outside, we can our jackets. 8 Pkt. Young World 1 Unit 4 Arbeitsblatt 2/2 Name: My favorite season is . We can wear our and go to the pool! Sometimes the temperature is really over 30 celsius! love to wear and all day long. 6 Pkt. comes after summer. We go outside with our umbrellas because it can be . Also it can be cold because its often. In autumn the fall down from the trees. ask my mummy in the morning: „, today? She will make sure wear the right clothes for the day to not get because of the rain. 6 Pkt. Total: 28 Punkte