Arbeitsblatt: NW3 U3 Leseverstehen American vs. British Culture


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Laura Flükiger
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Name: Leseverstehen American vs. British Culture Lernziele Du kannst aus verschiedenen Informationen die korrekte Antwort aus einem Text wiedergeben (Multiple Choice) Du kannst zu einem Text ein Mindmap mit Schlüsselwörtern erstellen Du kannst zu einem Text über Kulturen einzelne Begriffe sinngemäss übersetzen Du kannst zu einem Text über Kulturen selektiv Inhalte wiedergeben Note erreicht teilweise e. nicht e. Auf den folgenden zwei Seiten liest du einen Text über den Unterschied von amerikanischer zu britischer Kultur. Bearbeite danach die Fragen und Aufträge zum Text. Schreibe die Fragen jeweils auf Deutsch hin. Good luck! You can do this Name: The common differences between Americans and British in culture 10 JULY 2018 THE EDITORIAL UNIT Many consider the United States and the United Kingdom two nations divided by the same language. However, while it is true that both nations have historically shared close relationship, they have major differences in culture. With simple Google search, weve found few statements: are these myths or facts? The British tend to be elegant in appearance In general, the English people tend to look elegant. This is the opposite of most Americans who tend to be casual. Jeans were created first in the United States and we now know why they were not created in England. The English people tend to be more polite In daily communication; English people tend to say sorry easily. Even the level of decency (in communicating) the British people are often viewed higher than the average of other Europeans. This tends to contradict the American way of communicating. They tend to bring out jokes which for most English people are quite rough. Americans also tend to speak loudly. Name: Americans do not like small scores One of the most popular differences between British and American English is how they see the games. While the English are well known for their patient and orderly nature, Americans are notorious for being impatient. Americans do not like small scores, thats why they do not like football (which they call soccer). They tend to like games with big scores like basketball and American football. The English people tend to be more patient in playing and this can be seen in many games such as cricket too. Americans tend to be friendly Often, Americans tend to be more friendly. This does not mean that the English are unfriendly but because they tend to develop so-called negative politeness. The English people really appreciate the personal privacy and they try to give respect without too entering the private affairs of others. Americans, by contrast, develop positive politeness which means they tend to want to be part of someone elses problems as they communicate. This difference is the reason why the English tend to be cooler. The British are more likely to believe in mystical things Britain is country where ghost stories are still present in modern life. The island is well known for haunted castles so it is natural that belief in supernatural phenomena is passed down from generation to generation. Rather, Americans tend to be more rational when they are faced with situations of irrationality. Americans are generally more religious In contrast to what most people are accustomed to, people in the United States tend to be more religious, especially those living in the southern regions. While Britain, country with centuries-old Christian tradition, is now getting away from the church and tends to be more secular in view of everything. What can be concluded is that Britain, in some ways, is more liberal than the United States and Hollywood does not describe Americans as whole. Right-wing politics in America is very strong while in Britain, socialist policies are more common. Americans love to act directly While the British tend to like to wait and analyse situations in depth when they are confronted with conflict; Americans tend to plunge directly into conflict. This is one of the reasons why the United States is now the most aggressive country in the world. Name: 1. Erstelle hier ein Mindmap zu den sieben erwähnten Unterschieden zwischen Amerikanern und Engländern in Stichworten. Amerika vs. Grossbritannien Name: 2. Amerika und Grossbritannien sind zwei Länder, die durch dieselbe Sprache vereint sind durch dieselbe Sprache geteilt sind 3. Amerikaner mögen keinen Fussball sind viel cooler sprechen eher laut sind nicht so religiös wie Engländer 4. Politisch gesehen gibt es in Amerika viel Sozialpolitik gibt es in Amerika eine starke Rechte ist Amerika säkularisierter ist Grossbritannien sozialistischer als Amerika 5. Engländer mögen es nicht, wenn Amerikaner zu freundlich sind man ihnen zu nahekommt Amerikaner beim Sport gewinnen 6. Übersetze folgende Begriffe sinngemäss: «contradict» (Seite 1, Zeile 12) «appreciate» (Seite 2, Zeile 11) «the most aggressive country in the world» (letzte Zeile) 7. «The island is well known for haunted castles» (Seite 2, Abschnitt 3) Was bedeutet das? Stelle in 2, 3 Sätzen Vermutungen auf, warum das so sein könnte Name: 8. «Hollywood does not describe Americans as whole» (Seite 2, Abschnitt 4) Was heisst das? Erläutere die Aussage in 2, 3 Sätzen