Arbeitsblatt: Last summer


Kleine Feriengeschichte, die den Gebrauch des Simple Past festigen hilft. Regelmäßige und unregelmäßige Verben. Etwa Klasse 6.
6. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Michaela Coerdt
Land: Deutschland
Registriert vor 2006

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What did you do last summer? Last summer my family and (go) to Italy for holiday. We (stay) in very nice hotel near the sea. Every day we (walk) to the beach and (take) nice little swim. The weather (be) great all the time, and we all soon (have) fantastic suntan – except for my uncle Jerry. Uncle Jerry has got red hair and very white skin, and he (not get) brown, he (get) red! When he (come) back to the hotel the third evening, Auntie Jane (see) him and (shout), Oh dear, is that you, Jerry? You look like tomato! Poor Uncle Jerry (not say) anything but (sit) at table in the dining-hall to have dinner. He really (look) funny, but we (not laugh). We (be) too sorry for him! His skin (hurt) badly! After dinner Uncle Jerry (not go) out again but (go) to his room. Im sorry, Auntie Jane (say), (not want) to hurt you. But he (not answer). The next morning the family (get up) early because we (want) to go on trip. Of course Uncle Jerry (not come) with us. He (make) himself cosy in his room with book and (watch) TV. When we (come) home in the afternoon, (run) up to him and (tell) him all about our trip. Too bad you (not go) with us, Uncle Jerry! (say). He (not be) sad – he just (laugh) and (take) another chocolate cookie!