Arbeitsblatt: Making Questions_Find Someone Who


geeignet für Level A1/A2. Die SuS üben in einem "Find Someone Who"-Spiel das Formulieren von Fragen auf Englisch. Anschliessend erzählen sie im Klassenverband oder in Gruppen, was sie über die Kameraden herausgefunden haben und benutzen dabei die 3. Person Singular.
Anderes Thema
5. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Céline Siegrist
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Find Someone Who. Walk around the classroom and ask each other questions. Try to fill in as many names as possible, but dont write name more than three times! Examples: Q: Are you Swiss? A: Yes, am Swiss. No, Im not Swiss. Im Q: Do you have brothers and sisters? A: Yes, have two sisters. No, dont have any brothers or sisters. 1. is good at maths. 2. likes snakes. 3. does an unusual sport. (Which one?) 4. likes drawing or painting. 5. is vegetarian. 6. has more than two pets. 7. loves playing video games. 8. has parent/parents from another country than Switzerland. 9. loves singing. 10. doesnt like eating sweets. 11. likes dancing. 12. has more than one sister and/or brother. 13. speaks more than one language. 14. is always happy. 15. looks like his/her father. 16. has dream job they want to do in the future. 17. likes making things with their hands. (What things?) 18. is the oldest child in the family. 19. plays one instrument or more. (Which ones?) 20. enjoys swimming.