Arbeitsblatt: Theorie


Theorieblatt zu der Zukunftsform "going to". New World 2, Unit 2 (the alps). Mit kleiner Aufgabe.
6. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Debora Friedli
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Future: «going to . » Um etwas auszudrücken, was in der Zukunft passieren wird, kann man die «going to .»-Form benutzen. Bildung: to be (I am, you are, he is) going to Infinitiv Beispiele: Langform am going to play handball. You are going to play handball. He is going to play handball. Kurzform Im going to play handball. Youre going to play handball. He going to play handball. Verneinung: (*Zusatz für Interessierte) Langform Kurzform am not going to play handball. Im not going to play handball. You are not going to play handball. Youre not going to play handball. You arent going to play handball. He is not going to play handball. He not going to play handball. He isnt going to play handball. Write down 5-10 sentences about what you are going to do in your holidays. (You can also write down what you are not going to do.)