Arbeitsblatt: podcast projekt


Die Schüler erstellen im Englisch zu einem Thema einen Podcast in Englisch
8. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




ripcurlgirl (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Create your own podcast! Kriterien zur Bewertung Anforderungen 3 Punkte 2 1 0 Sprache Sprachliche Korrektheit Korrekte Aussprache Angemessene Lautstärke Fliessendes Sprechen Angenehme Audioqualität Angemessenes Sprechtempo Inhalt Strukturierung des Inhalts Kreative Inhalte Relevante Informationen Fachbegriffe und zentrale Begriffe werden erklärt Aussagen sind inhaltlich korrekt Quellenangaben Assignment Create your own podcast! Choose topic that you are interested in and do some research. Gather information from different sources with help from the internet, books or journals. Make sure to write down the sources of your information in separate document that you will then turn in ( einreichen) with the rest of the assignment. The podcast needs to be about 2.5 – 3 mins long. You must gather the sources of the information you have on separate Word document and at the end turn it in with the podcast. You must turn it in on Teams. Deadlines Halbklasse A: Donnerstag, 07.04.2022, 23.59 Uhr Halbklasse B: Sonntag, 03.04.2022, 23.59 Uhr Instructions 1. Choose topic! Do some research and decide on topic. Use the inspiration given in the power point presentation or discuss with partner. 2. Try to structure your text before writing it! What do you want to say? What is important? What do the listeners need to know about this topic? Start with an index (Inhaltsverzeichnis). 3. Know what to search for! Try to have goal when googling things. Ask yourself questions and write them down and try to complete them with the answers by the end of the lesson. Example: What is the official language spoken in Antartica? The official language in Antartica is Russia. (Do not write down things like Get information about topic, because that doesnt help you to choose from the information that you find on the internet about your topic.) 4. Keep an eye on the time! (Behalte die Zeit im Auge). Dont waste too much time on choosing topic or gather too much information. 2.5 minutes are not that long! 5. Write text and ask others to read it for you and correct it. Plan enough time to do that and dont start too late. You can always still add text if you have new ideas. 6. Plan time to practice reading your text out loud. Ask someone to listen to you and ask them to help you get the pronunciation (Aussprache) right. Inspiration for topics Around the world Countries, languages, cities, cultures, food, rituals, religions, scriptures ( Schriften), landscapes, etc. Travel through time What will Switzerland look like in the year 2080?, the moon landing, electricity, computers, cars, antibiotics, etc.