Arbeitsblatt: Begleitdossier YW 4 Unit 1


Begleitdossier mit Kopiervorlagen und Zusatzmaterial zu Unit 1.
Gemischte Themen
6. Schuljahr
19 Seiten




Leni (Spitzname)

Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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_ • • • • • • • • • • • Radio 538 Nederland 1 Read the text and find the parts in black in German. Write the numbers next to the lines. 2 Underline the words in blue that are almost the same in German. 3 Find words that are almost the same in English. Underline them in red. Dutch text Jolanda: Radio 538 Nederland met Jolanda Jansen. Hallo, met wie spreek ik? Thijs: Thijs van der Hulst hoi! Jolanda: Goedenavond Thijs, hoe gaatt met jou? Thijs: Heel goed, dank je wel. Ik will groeten doen aan mijn klasgenoten. Ik will succes wensen met het proefwerk van morgen. Jolanda: Natuurlijk mag dat. Maar eerst moet je ons nog wat over jezelf vertellen. Hoe oud ben je? Wat zijn je hobbies? Thijs: Ik ben 16 jaar en ik ga naar klas 4 van het Zuiderzee gymnasium. Mijn hobbies zijn computerspellen spelen, uitgaan met vrienden en muziek luisteren. Jolanda: Leuk en naar welke muziek luister je het liefste? Thijs: Popmuziek. Jolanda: Wie is jouw favoriete popzanger of zangeres? Thijs: Het is een popgroep, die op nummer 1 staat van de internationale charts German sentences 1 Ich bin 16 Jahre alt und ich gehe in die 4. Klasse des Zuiderzee-Gymnasiums. 2 Mit wem spreche ich? 3 Ich will Grüsse an meine Klasse durchgeben. 4 Welches ist dein Lieblings-Popsänger oder -Popsängerin? 5 Wie geht es dir? 6 Was sind deine Hobbys? 7 Toll und welche Musik hörst du am liebsten? 8 Ich will ihnen Erfolg wünschen für die Prüfung von morgen. 9 Meine Hobbys sind Computerspiele spielen, mit Freunden ausgehen und Musik hören. Sveriges Radio 1 Read the text and find the parts in black in English. Write the numbers next to the lines. 2 Underline the words in red that are almost the same in English. 3 Find words that are almost the same in German. Underline them in blue. Swedish text Annastina: Sveriges Radio. Mitt namn är Annastina Andersson, och här är önsketimmen. Hej, vem är du? Lena: Hej, jag heter Lena Svensson. Annastina: Hej, Lena, vem vill du hälsa till? Lena: Jag vill hälsa till min syster Karin. Hon jobbar Stockholm. Annastina: Jaha, och vilken musik vill du höra? Lena: Karin och jag vill höra en popsang med ABBA. Annastina: Okay. Här kommer Waterloo med ABBA. Hejda, Lena! Hejda. Lena: English sentences 1 Okay, what music do you want to hear? 2 She has job in Stockholm. 3 Hi, who are you? 4 Okay. Here comes Waterloo by ABBA. 5 Karin and want to hear pop song by ABBA. 6 Hi, Lena, who do you want to greet? 7 want to greet my sister Karin. 8 Hi, my name is Lena Svensson. 9 My name is Annastina Andersson and here comes the musical request programme. Fruit and vegetables 1 Label the fruit and vegetables. 2 When do they grow? Write them in the best season in the circle below. 3 Some of them can be stored in the cellar or dried for the winter. Which ones? Add them to the winter season. grapes st Food vocabulary 1 Write the names of these products. 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 5. 2 Which of the words above can you use with the following phrases? Write them next to the phrase. 1. glass/cup of: 2. loaf of: 3. slice of: 3 Which word cannot be used here? 4 In the following words there is always one letter missing. Write the words correctly. 1. h c a e: 5. a r: 2. o n l k s: 6. w t s: 3. o y: 7. a a e: 4. e i s: 8. r t: Logical: What does Sarah eat for breakfast? 1 Read what Sarah eats during one week. Write it into the table. 1. Sarah drinks glass of juice for breakfast every day except on Sunday. 2. She eats cornflakes twice and toast three times during the week, but never on the same day. 3. Sarah starts the week with bowl of cornflakes and milk. 4. Two days later, she eats cup of yogurt with her cornflakes. 5. On the day Sarah eats slice of fresh bread with cup of tea, she does not drink juice. 6. Sarah eats piece of fruit with her yogurt and with her tea. 7. On Friday, she eats cup of yogurt. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 2 Write at least 3 sentences about what Sarah eats. Use three of these words: always sometimes never every day on Sundays Sara She She Sunday The food pyramid Look at the food pyramid. Write the words below in the section where they belong. tea peanut butter toast sausages butter marmalade bacon cake eggs cookies sweets and snacks oils, fats and nuts meat, milk products and proteins grains and starchy foods fruits and vegetables water-based drinks porridge yogurt honey bananas milk water rice tomatoes potatoes croissants fish tofu orange juice mangos broth Bingo: What do you eat? 1 Ask classmate one question. This classmate will ask you one question too. You can answer by saying one of these sentences: Yes, do. Yes, it is. Yes, am. No, dont. No, it isnt. No, Im not. I dont know. 2 Then find another classmate to ask and answer one question. You win when you have one line full with names of pupils who answered with YES. Do you drink tea Do you eat for breakfast? cheese every week? Is chocolate one of your favourite snacks? Do you drink Do you eat milk every day? fruit every day? Do you eat Is tomato breakfast every vegetable? morning? Do you like fish? Do you eat bread every day? Do you eat yogurt with cornflakes? Are you hungry Do you ever eat Do you like now? cake or cookies rice? for breakfast? Do you have special breakfast on Sundays? Do you like eating in restaurant? Is this correct: Is ham Are you good Do you like cold Are you An apple day breakfast food? cook? toast? vegetarian? keeps the doctor away? Do you drink three or more glasses of water every day? For todays break, do you have healthy snack? Are you thirsty? Do you like nuts? Is chocolate cake your favourite birthday cake? Countable and uncountable nouns 1 Look at this table. countable uncountable one banana two bananas pepper 2 In the box below there are 9 countable and 9 uncountable nouns. Write the countable nouns in the singular and in the plural form in the table below. Write the uncountable nouns in the third column. One example has been done for you. egg ketchup honey orange fish finger rice hamburger pancake sugar soup orange juice cheese peanut butter sausage countable nouns singular countable nouns plural one egg two eggs one two potato pizza cookie uncountable nouns oil How much ? How many ? 1 Write much or many in the gaps. 1. How rice do you eat per month? 2. How glasses of milk do you drink per day? 3. How jam does Tim like on his bread and butter? 4. How bars of chocolate have you bought? 5. How sandwiches does Julia want for lunch? 6. How of this vegetable soup would you like? 2 Write the correct questions to the following answers. Start the questions with how much or how many. 1. drink five glasses of water day. 2. There are 24 pupils in my class. 3. Ive got lot of money. 4. would like just little bit of milk in my coffee. 5. Sarah has got three pets. 6. We have four lessons on Wednesday. 7. There are five cupcakes left. 8. Bill has got two brothers and three sisters. Recycling 1 The Swiss are quite good at recycling. There are many recycling stations where you can bring your glass, your tins, your newspapers etc. Here you can see Helen and her rubbish. She doesnt know much about recycling. Help her to sort her rubbish. Instead of just throwing it into the bin bag, you can recycle almost everything. Decide which recycling container each item of rubbish belongs to and what goes into the bin bag. Write the numbers of the pictures into the correct boxes. batteries cardboard 5 4 3 electrical equipment 7 2 paper 1 6 22 9 8 23 PET 1 20 11 21 compost 10 19 12 14 13 glass 16 18 17 15 clothes bin bag metals chemical rubbish 2 Draw an object of your own for each recycling container. What other rubbish do you recycle the same way? One example has been done for you: alarm clock life on rubbish 1 Write down three things that you would like to have. Then compare your wishes with those of friend. 2 Read the text below very carefully so that you can speak about it with friend. Mark the most important information. Look up important words in dictionary if you dont understand them. In the early morning, up to 50,000 children throughout Brazil start their daily work on the dump. They upturn the junk, searching for things that can still be used, like paper, glass, aluminium, bottles and plastic. They can then sell these things to recycling companies. Toys and leftover food are also welcome. After long day of work, the children rarely earn more than dollar. Still, their families depend on their small income. Their living conditions are horrible. There are no toilets; the air is thick with dirt and the vapours that blow around the dump. Skin and eye diseases, as well as infections of the nasal passages, are part of everyday life for these children. They get cuts in their hands from digging through the rubbish. It is possible for them to get injured or even killed by garbage truck. Kids at primary school age dont have any time to attend classes. They mostly live with their families at the edge of the dump in huts built of junk. Usually all the members of the family collect junk. The situation of these children can only be solved if their parents find jobs where they earn enough money. 3 What do you think about the text? How do you feel about it? Discuss it with friend. 4 Write down three possible wishes that Brazilian child living on rubbish might have. Then compare your solution with that of friend. 5 What are the differences between your wishes and the wishes of Brazilian child? Discuss this with friend. 6 How could you help these children? What do you think? Talk about it with friend.