Arbeitsblatt: OW1 U7 Kanada


Einführung zum Thema der Unit / Kanada
Anderes Thema
8. Schuljahr
10 Seiten




Domenika Vogel
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Patchwork city Unit 7 Which country does the map show? We are talking about Canada Work in pairs. Answer the following questions: • What do you know about Canada? (size, neighbour countries, governement, animals, nature, etc.) • What is are the official language(s) in Canada? • Which cities in Canada do you know? What do you know about them? • What is the capital of Canada? • Belongs to Commonwealth of Nations (King Charles) • English and French • Vancouver, Montreal, Toronto, Québec • Ottawa Many National Parks Beautiful landscapes • Hot summers • Icy winters with polar lights in the North • Indian Summer • Glaciers • Mountains • Loneliness • Famous waterfalls (Niagara Falls) Animals Buffalos, whales, ice bears, moose, bears, etc. Big Cities Québec, Vancouver, Toronto, Montréal