Arbeitsblatt: English - sentences


connect parts of sentences, formulation of questions and answers
6. Schuljahr
5 Seiten




Maja Baumgartner
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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3. Klasse Englisch Klassenarbeit sentences connect; questions and answers Aufgabe 1 Connect the sentences. am has got three legs. Is it boy. My name is my monster? have got Tom. My monster brown hair. Yes, it is. /6P Aufgabe 2 Find the right answer. Whats your name? Fine. Thank you. Goodbye. Im Sarah. Have you got pencil? Yes, please. Yes, have. No, thank you. How are you? Yes, am. Thank you. Thank you. Im fine. /3P Aufgabe 3 Write the answers! (Antworte für dich in kurzen Sätzen!) What do you like? Do you like playing cards? What is your favourite color? Have you got schoolbag? /4P Aufgabe 4 Read and tick! read book. go to bed. do my homework. meet my friends. go to football practice. have lunch. have lunch. go to music lessons. do my homework. have supper. go to bed. watch television. /4P Aufgabe 5 Antworte für Jim in kurzen Sätzen! name age phone number Jim 9 8654 Whats your name? How old are you? Have you got telephone? Whats your telephone number? /4P Aufgabe 6 Find the questions! (Ergänze jeweils eine passende Frage!) My name is Lisa. Im fine, thank you. Im nine years old. My favourite colour is pink. /4P 3. Klasse Englisch Lösung Klassenarbeit sentences connect; questions and answers Aufgabe 1 Connect the sentences. /6P Aufgabe 2 Find the right answer. Whats your name? Fine. Thank you. Goodbye. Im Sarah. Have you got pencil? Yes, please. Yes, have. No, thank you. How are you? Yes, am. Thank you. Thank you. Im fine. /3P Aufgabe 3 Write the answers! (Antworte für dich in kurzen Sätzen!) What do you like? like reading book. Do you like playing cards? Yes, do. What is your favourite color? It blue. Have you got schoolbag? Yes, have. /4P Aufgabe 4 Read and tick! read book. go to bed. do my homework. meet my friends. go to football practice. have lunch. have lunch. go to music lessons. do my homework. have supper. go to bed. watch television. /4P Aufgabe 5 Antworte für Jim in kurzen Sätzen! name age phone number Jim 9 8654 Whats your name? Im Jim. How old are you? Im nine years old. Have you got telephone? Yes, have. Whats your telephone number? My telephone number is 8654. /4P Aufgabe 6 Find the questions! (Ergänze jeweils eine passende Frage!) Whats your name? My name is Lisa. How are you? Im fine, thank you. How old are you? Im nine years old. Whats your favourite colour? My favourite colour is pink. /4P Gesamt: /25P Viel Erfolg!! Viel Erfolg!! Note 1 1- 1-2Viel 2 Erfolg!! 2 2- 2-3 3 3 3- 3-4 4 4 4- 4-5 5 5 5- 5-6 6 Punkte 22 21 20 16 15 15 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 19 18 17 Klassenarbeit 325 Grundschule, 3. Klasse, Englisch