Arbeitsblatt: Find someone who....


Oral exercise to practice present simple and present continuous questions and answers
Gemischte Themen
7. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Tatjana Wittwer
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Find someone who. Find someone who. TV every evening. 2. is studying for test at the moment. 3. sometimes goes to school by skateboard. 4. regularly bakes cakes. 5. is having headache today. 6. lives near here. 7. is trying to live more healthy. 8. doesnt check his/her teams chat every day. 9. is having dinner at home this evening. 10. never studies on Sunday. 11. who normally has sports training twice week. 12. who is planning to get new pet. Name More information 13. is meeting friend after school today. 14. is reading good book at the moment. 15. drinks hot chocolate for breakfast. 16. is currently looking for after school job. 17. is feeling upset today. 18. usually has fights with her/his siblings. 19. wants to live in foreign country sometime in the future. 20. owns an uncommon pet. 21. isnt doing this exercise the way he/she should. 22. is playing fortnight tonight. Find out more with question: What do you When do you With whom do you. Why are you. What are you reading/listening/playing etc.