Arbeitsblatt: Aufgaben zum YW1 unit 3


Aufgaben zum YW1 unit 3, Vorbereitung zum Test
Gemischte Themen
5. Schuljahr
4 Seiten




Anastasiia K.
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

1. Verbinde jede Form mit ihrem Namen: Form Namen heart rectangle rhomboid pentagon diamond 2. this and that Anita erklärt einer Touristin ein Bild im Museum. Mache einen englischen Satz mit „this and „that den Anita der Touristin sagen könnte. Englischer Satz mit „this und „that: 3. Top, bottom, left, middle, right 1) There are clouds at the of my picture. 2) At the top on the_ there is big bird. 3) At thethere are my friends Liz and Pete. 4) In the there is house. 5) There is tree on the_ of my drawing. 6) On the there are sunflowers. 7) At the on the right there is the sun. 8) At the bottom on the there is dog. 4. At the top left, there are five green stars. At the bottom on the right, there is blue square. At the top right, there is purple sun. In the middle, there is big pink flower. At the bottom in the middle, there is one grey rectangle and two black circles. In the middle on the left, there are four red triangles. At the top in the middle, there are two yellow hearts. At the bottom on the left, there is house with two windows and two doors. In the middle on the right, there is brown tree. The tree has six orange apples. 5. Yes, like . No, dont like . juice – soft drink – candies – snacks – toast Do you like? Do you like? Do you like? Do you like? Do you like? 6. 7. What are the colours of the fruit? 8. Write down what you see. 8. Do you like ? 9.