Arbeitsblatt: Dress the student game


SuS bekommen Kärtchen auf welchen steht was sie einem anderen SuS anziehen müssen. Spiel in zwei Gruppen, SuS müssen Kärtchen lesen, korrekte Kleidung nehmen, zum anderen SuS laufen, ihm/ihr das Kleidungsstück anziehen, zurücklaufen, etc.
Anderes Thema
6. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Eva Sailer
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Dress the student Students form two groups with one student standing on the opposite side of the other students. Other students form line. Now the first student in line turns over the flash card, reads what piece of clothing he/she needs to take, takes the piece of clothing from pile of clothes, runs to the student on the opposite side and dresses him/her accordingly without the help of the student getting dressed. NO HURTING THE OTHER STUDENT, NO DESTRUCTION OF CLOTHES! Then he/she runs back, does the relay handover with high five and then the next student in line turns over the next card, takes the piece of clothing, runs, dresses the student, runs back and so on until all the cards are gone and one team wins.