Arbeitsblatt: book circle essay


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Lesen / Literatur
9. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Mimi wordli
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Group discussion Dear students, This will be as well base for the writing assignment. Think about your question in your group and note the most important things on the next page. The better your notes, the better you can profit from it. It is NOT the same exercise like the movie review. You will need the notes! Jane Austin 1. Think about the context of the novel: Could your story take place here in the present day? Why or why not? 2. What is the significance of the novels title? Ghandi 1. Provide or summarize your favorite quote, scene or passage so far. Why do you enjoy this part so much? 2. Has your biography changed the way you perceive your world? If so, how? The sign of four 1. What character do you most identify with? Why? 2. Did you have strong reaction, positive or negative, to any part of the novel? Describe the part as well as the reaction you had. Live and let die 1. If you were to turn this novel into film, who would you cast for the main characters and why? 2. What are the most important characteristics of the protagonist an/or antagonist? Why are these characteristics important? Quick notes for study questions in group discussion Writing book review Your review must contain the following aspects Will work on with the books, we will create movie trailers to the book, which will be speaking activity. But in the activity your process will also be part of the mark you are going to receive in the end.