Arbeitsblatt: New York - Englisch Höhrverstehen


New York - Englisch Höhrverstehen
7. Schuljahr
4 Seiten




Joel Stuber
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

New York 1. Watch the movie about New York and answer the questions in full sentences. a.) Where is New York situated? . . b.) How many people live in New York? . c.) How many visitors does the city attract each year? . d.) Why did immigrants (Einwanderer) go to New York? . e.) How can you explore the city? Name three possibilities! . f.) They say New York is the city that never g.) When did the Empire State Building first open? . h.) What is the name of the famous shopping street in New York? . i.) Where do New Yorkers go to rest? Whats the name of the park? . j.) Name one of the two museums named in the movie. . 2.) Right or false Right New York is also called the Big Apple New York is called the Big Apple beause of the brand Apple. The Empire State Building was first openend in 1921 Time Square is the name of New York highest building The World Trade Center was attacked in 2001 New York resonates with the sounds of over 800 language groups. The second most spoken one is Spanish. False Dont know New York KEY Watch the movie and answer the questions in full sentences. k.) Where is New York situated? New York is situated in the northeast region of the United States of America. l.) How many people live in New York? Over 8 million people live in New York. m.) How many visitors does the city attract each year? The city attracts over 50 million visitors. n.) Why did immigrants (Einwanderer) go to New York? They came to New York because of the promise of hope and liberty. o.) How can you explore the city? Name three possibilities! You can explore the city by foot, by taxi or by subway. p.) They say New York is the city that never sleeps q.) When did the Empire State Building first open for tourists? It opened in 1931. r.) What is the name of the famous shopping street in New York? Its 5th Avenue. s.) Where do New Yorkers go to rest? Whats the name of the park? They go to the Central Park. t.) Name one of the two museums named in the movie. Metropolitan Museum of Arts Guggenheim Museum u.) Name two of the mentioned New York neighbourhoods. Little Italy, Soho, Greenwich Village, Brooklyn, Coney Island v.) Whats the citys nickname? Its the Big Apple. w.) Name some sights that were mentioned in the movie.