Arbeitsblatt: YW3_Unit 4 Calendar & months


Arbeitsblatt zum Üben der Monate und der Ordinalzahlen
5. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




LPMST (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Task 1. All the vowels in the names of the months are missing. Write the names in full. Jnr Fbrry Mrch prl My Jn Jly gst Sptmbr ctbr Nvmbr Dcmbr Task 2. What month is it? This is the fifth month of the year This is the seventh month after October This is the last month of the year This is the only month with letter ‘g ‘ in it The last letter of the month is ‘ ‘ This month is four months before November This is the first month This month has only three letters in its name This is the third month of the year This month has the longest name The last letter of this month is ‘ ‘ Task 3. In which month do we celebrate these festivals and holidays? Write the month under the picture.