Arbeitsblatt: Voices Basic 2 Unit 3 Voictest


Vocitest mit vielen unterschiedlichen Aufgaben (Lückentext, Bildwortschatz, etc.)
8. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Luli 83
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Englisch Test Thema: Words Unit 3 Klasse: 2 Sek Niv 2 Pkt. max. 46 Datum: 22.02.2024 Name: Skala: 6 5 4 Gewichtun Selbsteinschätzung: Lernaufwand: gross mittel Unterschrift d. Eltern: Punkte Note klein Voices basic 2, Unit 2 words 1. Fill in the gaps with an appropriate word of Unit 2. 8 a) We dont know what to do. Do you have b) He plays soccer every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. So he trains soccer c) lot of Africans come to Europe because they want to make in sports. d) It is that Asian or African people become skiing or snowboarding champions because they dont have possibilities to train. e) lot of African people are very therefore (deshalb) they live in very simple houses, sometimes 2 or 3 families together. f) If you want to play ice hockey, you need lot of: hockey stick, iceskates, helmet, gloves, shinpads and lot more! g) They love skiing, ice-skating and also curling. They are really winter sports! h) Christiano Ronaldo and Roger Federer lot of money with sports! 2. Translate into German or English Top Sportler haben einen Agenten. 12 Viele Sportveranstaltungen (sporting events) finden im Stadion statt. European agents want to make profit of the African players. fell asleep during the lesson. Sie wurde als 4- jährige eine gute Skispringerin (ski jumper) He lost his medals because of doping offence. 3. Formulate your own sentence with the given word. 12 a) trouble b) local c) forget d) ordinary e) give someone chance f) narrator 5. What does the image show? Find word of Unit 3 word list. 6 6. Write into the box the missing word. 8 (Berufs-)lehre miss herumhängen narrator lieber, eher drugstest Freiwillige actually