Arbeitsblatt: Vocabulary Open World


Open World 2, Unit 3 (Part II)
7. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Gloria Miseric
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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EN: Unit 3 Name: Date: Part 2 Reading Points: Mark: Signature: ./28 Englisch Deutsch 1. Gitarre 2. Einen Wunsch in Erfüllung gehen lassen 3. Klavier 4. Nachdenklich 5. Eindrucksvoll, super 6. Langweilig 7. Achtziger(jahre) 8. Altmodisch 9. Ehrlich 10. an Es erinnert mich 11. reizend Wunderbar, 12. Rezension, Kritik 13. Sachen, Zeug 14. Musikstück 15. Schläfrig 16. They didnt know what to do. They felt quite 17. The song was . (past simple) before you were born. 18. Her isnt very loud but she always speaks clearly. Music in my life You are going to read blog by Chloe, young music lover. First look at the gap-fill text on the next page. Then read the text below and do the exercise. By ChloeBun /Music Mix/ 41 mins ago Music plays an important part in my life. Listening to different songs and making my own music helps me relax and cheers me up when Im having hard time. like listening to music on the bus on the way to school. For me its good way to get ready for the day. Music doesnt just help me get through things, think it also brings me closer to my friends and family. have to say, wasnt quite as much into music when was younger. Back then typically listened to the music that my parents were listening to and actually didnt like it much, but today do like that kind of music because those tunes take me back to my childhood days. Now Im teenager, music really is my life. believe it can help you with all kinds of emotion. It doesnt matter whether youre feeling happy and joyful or sad and lonely, the rhythms, harmonies and the lyrics of the music will help you feel that emotion more strongly. Its amazing the way music can create images in your mind. Sometimes feel can travel back in time with music like with time machine and remember some of those special days of my life. Some songs tell story while others make me imagine picture. But the most fascinating thing is music that can do that even without lyrics – think of classical piano piece, for example. sometimes write my own songs. make up the tune and the lyrics too. For me, writing songs is the best way to express myself, much better than writing diary or always texting friends. When Ive had hard day, like to be able to just sit down and write about it. It seems to make all my problems go away, which is great. Two years ago started learning to play the keyboard and soon fell totally in love with it. Its quite addictive – once start playing, find it really hard to stop. Sometimes, it can also be distracting as it takes my attention away from my homework since my keyboard is right next to my desk. Fortunately, my parents think its great that like playing the keyboard so much – which means that luckily they dont even really mind if start playing in the middle of my homework time! 19. Read the summary and write suitable word in each gap. Use one word only per gap. Use the blog text to help you. Chloe says that listening to and making music helps her 1 motivates her and makes her feel her emotions more strongly. She often listens to music in the 2 on her way to school to get ready for the day. Music also helps Chloe feel close to friends and 3 Now she is 4 she is more into music. As child she listened to what her parents liked and she didnt 5 take her back to when she was 6 it very much. Today those songs Music can tell story or paint picture and it helps Chloe recreate 7 from her past. She started learning the keyboard two years ago and sometimes she writes her own songs with it. When she has problem, playing the keyboard helps her more than writing a8 Chloe finds it hard to 9 shes started. Luckily her parents think its OK for her to stop doing so she can play her keyboard. playing once 10