Arbeitsblatt: Open World 1 Unit 1 Vocabulary Test


Vocabulary Test passend zu Unit 1 von Open World 1
7. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Calimero (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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English Vocabulary Test U1 Points:/ 30 13.9.2023 Name: Mark: signature: 1. Fill in the gaps with the correct word from the box below: (10) Empfang Billet Eisenbahn Tagebuch Schottenröcke Dieb Schottenmuster Schottland Führung Herberge 1. Many people write their thoughts in 2. They will build new next year. 3. The was very simple, but clean and light. 4. come in many different colors and patterns. 5. The hotel is on the ground floor. 6. can be very cold in winter. 7. Each clan of the Scottish Highlands used its own. 8. They caught thebut they never found the gold. 9. The train costs £ 10. 10. We went on guided around the city. 2. Fill in the word in the correct form: (10) 1. We know other from primary school. einander 2. That girl is sure to es weit bringen 3. The was long and tiring. die Reise 4. of my classmates has red hair. keiner 5. Do you play any other sports football? neben 6. These are usefulfor music review. Ausdruck 7. The of Scotland landscape is breathtaking. Schönheit 8. The train is always full, so you have to im Voraus buchen 9. The was built in 1452. Schloss 10. Christopher Columbus America in 1492. entdecken 3. Fill out the crossword: (10)