Arbeitsblatt: present simple_present continuous


Übungsblatt um die 2 Zeitformen auseinander zu halten
8. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Jean-Claude Gehrig

Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

The difference between present simple and present continuous We use the present simple if something is true for long time. If you play football in club, you can say: play football. like football. play football every week. We use the present continuous if something is true at the moment – right now. If you are on chair, you can say: Im sitting on chair. If you are in disco and you dance, you can say: Im dancing. These senteces are true at the moment These sentences are true for ever use the use the to write letter he to write lot he to go to school we to practise the piano she to play basketball to sing very nice you to dance in disco they to go to school we to play the piano she to play basketball he to sing song you to dance in disco she not to eat not to read the newspaper it not to listen to record they not to climb on tree not to read book it not to chase our dog we not to chase the dog we not to eat fish he not to stand on the table she not to listen to REM they not to climb on tree you not to stand on chairs she not to write with pen they not to write with pen they Questions Questions to sleep she to be nice he to stand up at concert you to clean the teeth your son to eat hotdog they to cry sometimes you to get dressed he to drink milk they to clean the teeth our daughter to sleep lot she to cry you to walk to school we to walk to the park we to stand up at school you to hide from Ben she to eat fastfood they