Arbeitsblatt: S U 11 Grammarcasino


Spielerische Übung zum Erkennen der richtigen simple past Form. S können wetten, ob der Satz richtig oder falsch ist.
8. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




zen (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Read the sentence. Choose whether the sentence is good or no good. Place your bet. You have 100 points to start. If youre right add your bet to your total. If you are wrong subtract the bet. Good No Good Bet 1. He comed to the casino yesterday. total 2. They was go to the library with their friends. total total total total total total total total total 3. He bought hamburger and soda. 4. Do Lisa and Elizabeth watch TV last weekend? 5. That was hard test. 6. These chairs were in the living room yesterday. 7. My mother make cake for my last birthday. 8. His father went to China last week on business. 9. Were the tickets expensive? 10. Mark was not went shopping last Thursday.