Arbeitsblatt: Writing games
spielerisch, gut als Lückenfüller, Auflockerung, ...
Gemischte Themen
3 Seiten
Claudia Wittmer
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:
English Writing games Drop in 1. Here are some sentences. Drop in something extra: adjective, adverb, phrase, Example: The dog dug hole. 1. The dog dug deep hole. The old dog dug hole. The dog rapidly dug hole. . Susie picked up letter. 2. My sister drank coffee. 3. Do you want to go on holidays? 4. Liselotte took picture. 5. Felix ate sausage. 6. Tony fell. 7. She walked down the road. English Writing games Handbag 1. Make list of the contents of the following peoples handbag. Example: the Queen lipstick, handkerchief, comb, mirror, money, headache pills, perfume, • Superman • Rapunzel • Your teacher • Brad Pitt • Ronaldinho • Marilyn Monroe • • • • • • • Choose your own characters! English Writing games Excuses 1. Excuses are always needed. Make list of excuses – the more exaggerated, the better Example: This morning was late for school because there was knock on my door. opened it to find that the local farmer had just dumped lorry load of horse manure on my doorstep. had to dig myself route to the front gate. • • • • •