Arbeitsblatt: The weather
Alles über das Englisch Wetter.
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Gemischte Themen
8. Schuljahr
2 Seiten
Irina (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
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Unit 13 RFE 2 SPEAKING PRACTICE About the weather. Whats the weather like? The weather report The weather forecast The weather now Forecast The temperature is The maximum temperature tomorrow will be 29 Celsius. There are 28 centigrade Fahrenheit (32x5/9) It will be hot. The temperature is 8 degrees below zero Its freezing. Its chilly. The minimum temperature tomorrow will be. Its snowing. There is lot of snow. It will be freezing. There will be snow. It will snow. Snow will cover the streets. Its stormy. There will be storms. There will be thunder storms. Its thundery. Thunder thunderstorm The lightning There will be thunder and lightning. There will be thunder storms. Unit 13 RFE 2 SPEAKING PRACTICE About the weather. The lightning lightning flash. There will be flashes of lightning. There will be thunderstorms. Its cloudy. There are lot of clouds. Its dull. Its overcast. It will be cloudy. There will be lot of clouds. Its raining. Its rainy. It will rain. There will be rain. Its pouring with rain. in Strömen There is rainstorm. There will be showers of rain. Its wet. It will be showery. It will be wet. Its sunny. Its warm. Its hot. Its clear, its bright. Its dry. The suns shining. It will be sunny. The winds blowing. Its windy. There will be sun shine. There will be sunny periods. It will be windy. There will be winds from the south. There will be south – westerly wind. Rain will spread from the west. Unit 13 RFE 2 SPEAKING PRACTICE About the weather. Its foggy. There will be fog. It will be foggy. Its misty. What lovely day! What an awful day. think its going to rain. Yes, its beautiful, isnt it? Yes, its terrible, isnt it? Yes, youre probably right. It looks black, doesnt it? Unit 13 RFE 2 About the weather. SPEAKING PRACTICE Unit 13 RFE 2 About the weather. The wind is blowing. SPEAKING PRACTICE Its windy. Its stormy. There is rainstorm. Unit 13 RFE 2 Its sunny. About the weather. The sun is shining. Its clear. Its bright. Its dry. SPEAKING PRACTICE