Arbeitsblatt: Present simple


Test über das Present Simple (incl. 3rd person -s, -es)
7. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Philipp Troicher
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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English Test Unit 7 September 18, 2008 Name: 1. Complete the box: fill in the missing pronouns and the correct form of the verb „live (Setze in der Tabelle die fehlenden Pronomen und die richtige Form des Verbs live ein) live you // we in Dotzigen/ Diessbach in Dotzigen/ Diessbach 2. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form (Setze die Verben in der Klammer in die richtige Form) a) She her hair twice week. (wash) b) Luigi for an American company. (work) c) often dinner for my parents. (cook) d) Betty home after the cinema. (go) e) Eddie the bus. (take) f) that you nice. (know, look) g) Mary really berries and cream. (love) h) We never much at lunchtime. (eat) i) The kids to school every day. (drive) j) He breakfast at 7.30 (have). k) Jill usually the bus to school. (catch) l) It her house. (pass) 3. Choose the correct verb from the box to complete the sentences (Wähle jeweils ein Verb aus der Box um die Sätze zu vervollständigen. Vorsicht: es werden nicht alle Verben gebraucht!) drink drinks play call watches catches watch talk need catch writes have calls read go love goes speak plays listen finishes talks needs loves stay has a) Tania TV every evening. b) She sometimes tea. c) They often tennis. d) German. e) Patrick letter (Brief). f) We dinner at seven in the evening. g) Tom and Sarah to music every day. h) Sven home after school. i) You more money to buy the new car. j) Some students too much! k) Mark and Oliver the police. l) The cat mouse. Good Luck!