Arbeitsblatt: Do you believe in UFO's?


AB zu einem Hörverständnis Thema UFO's
Gemischte Themen
8. Schuljahr
5 Seiten




philipp lustenberger
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Do you believe in UFOs? Level Listening: Exercise: You will hear John and Sue talking about UFOs and whether or not they believe in them. You will hear the selection twice. Answer the following questions! 1. How did Sue hear about the UFOs yesterday? 2. Who believes in UFOs? 3. What does John believe about UFOs? 4. What does John first think Sue was when she saw the UFO? 5. What was Sue doing when she saw the UFO? 6. What shape was the UFO in? 7. Why does Sue think that it couldnt have been an airplane? 8. What does Sue think the UFO might have been? 9. Who did Sue tell? 10. Why does Sue think the people in UFO are like? 11. What does Sue think might be reason for the aliens be hostile? 12. What proof does Sue provide that UFOs exist? 13. What might convince John that UFOs exist? Do you believe in UFOs? Level Listening: Excercise: 1. Before you listen to the conversation look at the following vocabulary: rubbish: Blödsinn improbable: unwahrscheinlich sort of: sozusagen keep pointing: hinzeigen, draufzeigen shape: Form, Gestalt cigar: Zigarre apart from that: ansonsten sidewards: seitwärts weather balloon: Wetterballon to be scared: Angst haben unless: wenn nicht, es sei denn frightened: beängstigt proof: Beweis evidence: Beweis gradually: allmählich sceptical: skeptisch, misstrauisch 2. You will hear John and Sue talking about UFOs and whether or not they believe in them. You will hear the selection twice. Choose the correct answer from the multiple choice answers: 1. How did Sue hear about the UFOs yesterday? A) on the TV B) on the radio C) in the newspaper 2. Who believes in UFOs? A) John B) Sue C) Neither 3. What does John believe about UFOs? A) They are likely B) They are fictional C) They are improbable 4. What does John first think Sue was when she saw the UFO? A) She was drunk B) She was ill C) She was hallucinating 5. What was Sue doing when she saw the UFO? A) she was playing in the yard B) she was riding on bus C) she was walking to schoo 6. What shape was the UFO in? A) saucer B) silver airplane C) cigar 7. Why does Sue think that it couldnt have been an airplane? A) It was shaped like saucer B) It was hoovering C) it was moving sidewards 8. What does Sue think the UFO might have been? A) helicopter B) bright light C) weather balloon 9. Who did Sue tell? A) her parentsB) her classmates C) She isnt sure 10. Why does Sue think the people in UFO are like? A) aggressive B) little and green C) nervous 11. What does Sue think might be reason for the aliens be hostile? A) If they were frightened B) If we attacked them C) If we were frightened of them 12. What proof does Sue provide that UFOs exist? A) An army general has seen them B) Theyve been seen by ordinary people C) There is lot of evidence 13. What might convince John that UFOs exist? A) more evidence B) If he saw one C) If Sue saw another one