Arbeitsblatt: Unit 8-10


Abschlusstest Units 8-10
7. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




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Find the opposite Finde das Gegenteil! old rich big fast cheap Write the number you hear in Zahlen! 1. 2. 3. 4. Write the words you hear 1. 2. 3. Beantworte die Fragen,indem du die Wörter in Klammer verwendest! 1.Do you drink beer? (niemals) 2.Do you eat pizza? oft) 3.Do you help at home? (immer)_ 4.Do you play tennis? (manchmal)_ Ask questions „Wie oft? 1. he a newspaper 2. you television 3. Anna tennis 4. they coffee Non-Stop Englisch Unit 8-10 Mark:_ Name :_ Date :_ Schreibe die Verben in Klammern in positiver () od. negativer (-)Form in die Lücken! Maria (go ) to school in London, but she (go -) at the weekends. She (like -) the buses in the morning,but she (like ) the school. She (start ) at the same time every day, but she always (finish )at 12.30. In the afternoons, she often (meet ) her English friends, or she (do ) her homework. She always (eat ) dinner with her family, and often (watch ) TV with them, too. She (phone ) her familiy in Italy twice week, but she (write -) to them very often! Setze diese Wörter in die richtige Reihenfolge bilde Sätze oder Fragen! 1.three Tina restaurant eats week a in times 2. Wednesdays Tina Italian learn on does 3. time second finish what lesson does the Setze alle Plural Formen in den Singular! 1.The women buy 3 roses. 2.Those boys carry the boxes. 3.These babies have black hair.