Arbeitsblatt: Me and my friend by Dada Ante Portas
Song Me and my friend mit Lückentext und Aufgaben.
Optimal fürs Past simple und das Thema Freundschaft.
Gemischte Themen
3 Seiten
snowflake86 (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006
Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:
Dada Ante Portas – Me and my friend What friend in you remember vividly thank you very much indeed for the good old days we You always my best friend fine and true Cheering me up when feeling blue Me and my friend better than the rest Me and my friend simply the best Me and my friend to conquer all the world Beginning to the end, just me and my friend have track of what he doing nowadays The last thing have heard he was wandering in haze Does he think of all the bets that we We never out of all the games we Me and my friend better than the rest Me and my friend simply the best Me and my friend to conquer all the world Beginning to the end, just me and my friend friend is someone special friend is friend forever friend is someone special friend is friend forever Time slowly When you there Im saying thanks For being there Me and my friend better than the rest Me and my friend simply the best Me and my friend to conquer all the world Beginning to the end, just me and my friend Past Simple and Present Simple 1. Wandle folgende Verben ins Present Simple um. Beispiel • • The boy watched television. The girl ate an apple. 1. had lot of fun. 2. You were my best friend. 3. We tried to talk to him. 4. She lost her key. 5. heard the thunder. 6. They made bet. 7. grew up in the USA. 8. He played football. The boy watches television. The girl eats an apple. lot of fun. You my best friend. We to talk to him. She her key. the thunder. They bet. in the USA. He football. 2. Entscheide, ob das Verb in den folgenden Sätzen im Past Simple oder Present Simple stehen muss. Unterstreiche dazu das Wort, welches dir den Hinweis gibt, dass du das Past Simple anwenden musst. Beispiel • • Yesterday, (go) to Bern. (like) chocolate. Yesterday, went to Bern. like chocolate. 1. Three years ago (meet) my best friend. 2. On Monday we always (play) games. 3. The elephant (be) my favourite animal. 4. Last week he (work) lot. 5. (have) two teddy bears when was child. 6. Your clothes (look) very nice today. 7. The day before she (eat) lot of sweets. 8. In the evening we often (watch) television. 9. They (spend) lot of money last month. 10. He usually (read) in his book in the evening. 3. Verbinde die englischen Ausdrücke mit der richtigen deutschen Übersetzung. Ein Beispiel ist bereits gemacht. to make bet Ich danke dir vielmals. forever nett und treu sein nowadays eine spezielle wichtige Person to be there for somebody jemanden aufmuntern to play games die guten alten Tage someone special die Spur von etwas jemandem verlieren to feel blue etwas entwachsen aus etwas hinauswachsen to grow out of something im Nebel herumziehen to be fine and true die ganze Welt erobern to wander in haze unglücklich deprimiert sein to cheer somebody up für jemanden da sein to conquer all the world heutzutage thank you very much indeed. eine Wette abschliessen the good old days für immer ewig to lose track of something Spiele spielen 4. Diskutiere mit deinem Pultnachbarn deiner Pultnachbarin über eine Freundschaft, die du erlebst und versuche dabei folgende Fragen zu beantworten. 1. Woher kennst du deinen Freund deine Freundin und wie lange schon? 2. Was unternimmst du mit deinem Freund deiner Freundin? 3. Was schätzt du besonders an deinem Freund deiner Freundin?