Arbeitsblatt: Test - gemischt 9. Real


Present Simple, Present Continuous, Pronouns, don't, doesn't
9. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Test Nr. 1 (Repetition) name: points: /40 mark: 1. Bilde das Present Continuous! Example: play. am playing. 1) go. 2) You run. 3) He smokes. 4) We sit. 5) You come._ 6) She learns. 2. Bilde das Present Simple! Example: am eating. eat. 1) You are coming. 2) We are going. 3) He is playing. 4) We are listening 5) am working. 6) Hes singing. 3. Bilde Fragen wie im Beispiel! Achtung: Zeit bleibt gleich! Example: am going to London. Am going to London? You read book. Do you read book? 1) You are doing your homework. ? 2) He reads the newspaper.? 3) She is looking out of the window. ? 4) We run.? 5) They are eating. ? 1 4. Must, mustnt, dont/doesnt have to: Was kommt in die Lücke? 1) You be careful, when you cross the road! 2) get up early today, the train leaves at 4 am! 3) We be late for school! 4) The weather is very nice, she take an umbrella along. 5) There are crocodiles in the water, you swim here! 6) We get up early today, its Sunday. 5. Pronouns: Ersetze die Worte in Klammern durch das richtige Pronomen! Subject Pronouns: Example: What can (Simon) he tell me about his family? 1) My grandparents live in Zürich. (My grandparents) often come and see us. 2) (Sue and I) are twins. 3) Bob is my dad. (My dad) is basketball player. 4) My mums name is Paola. (Paola) is from Italy. Possessive Pronouns (besitzanzeigend): Example: Where are (you) your friends now? 7) (I) husband and want to go to Germany. 6) They read book. It is (they) book. 7) She lives in Australia now with (she) family. 8) (He) company builds ships. Object Pronouns: Example: My sister likes books. This book is for (she) her. 9) My children like Disney films. This video is for (they) . 10) My brother likes cars. This car is for (he) 11) like watches. This nice watch is for (I) . 12) know, you like shoes. These shoes are for (you) . 6. Doesnt or dont? 1) We have time to do that. 2 2) He loves boxing, but he like dancing. 3) You like me very much, do you? 4) They like coffee, they like tea. 5) Peter speaks English, Spanish and Italian, but he speak German. 3