Arbeitsblatt: Non Stop English Test Unit 15


Final test NSE unit 15
8. Schuljahr
4 Seiten




Sebastian Völkle
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Unit 15: final test Name: Date: Points: /75 Mark: Signature: 1) Translate the following words into German/English! (10 P.) police unhappy verkaufen suchen eine Bank ausrauben contact buy either 2) Form the opposite of these imperatives! (5 P.) Example: Bring the money. Dont bring the money. Dont kidnap the poodle. Kidnap the poodle. a) Go shopping. b) Dont do your homework! c) Ask her for 5000! frage ihn! zuhören d) Work for your father! e) Dont go to the bank! 3) Joe and his friend always have the same ideas and do the same things. Write about Joe and his friend! (10 P.) Example: Joe lives in New York. His friend lives in New York, too. a) Joe isnt rich. b) Joe is good man. c) Joe doesnt like dogs. d) Joe knows rich lady. e) Joe hasnt got car. 4) Complete the list of the pronouns! (18 P.) subject your he her it we you them 5) Translate the following sentences into English! (12 P.) a) Ich sehe ihn. b) Wir sehen euch. c) Sie sehen uns. d) Sie kennt mich. e) Er sieht sie (2 possible solutions!!) 6) Dictation (20 P.)