Arbeitsblatt: Inspiration II Unit 4


Gemischte Themen
7. Schuljahr
4 Seiten




Angela Fumagalli
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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English Lernkontrolle Unit 4 class R2d 7. December 2011 Your name: max. points: 75 your score: Your mark: Good luck!! Lernziel erreicht ab: 38 Punkten 1. going to – future positive form example solution: 5 points She present for her mother. (to buy) She is going to buy present for her mother. or She going to buy present for her mother. 1. He his friend. (to phone) 2. We new computer game. (to play) 3. My sisterTV. (to watch) 4. You picnic next Tuesday. (to have) 5. Jane to work by bus. (to drive) going to – future negative form 5 points example - She present for her mother. (to buy) solution: She is not going to buy present for her mother. or She isnt going to buy present for her mother. Its your turn: 6. They for one hour. (to swim) 7. His brother his room today. (to tidy) 8. She her hair. (to colour) 9. my hair. (to cut) 10. Sophie and Nick with her friends tonight. (to party) 2. will – future positive negative form 6 points Fill in the gaps. (1/2 points per each) You He She It We You They (long form) (short form) will (long form) (short form) will not go to London catch the train help you go to the movies tomorrow/next week be in America have party travel to Italy 1. .my holidays with Steven this year. (spend) 2. We at Carmens uncles house. (stay) 3. My mother me with my luggage. (not help) 4. My mother and father .at the seaside on Sunday. (be) 5. Carmen and her uncleto the seaside. (not go) 3. When do use going to? When do use will? 4 points Ich benutze das will-Futur bei: Ich benutze das going to -Futur bei: 3. will or going to? 8 points 1. We to London in July. (fly) 2. They new car. (get) 3. She at 6 oclock in the afternoon.(arrive) 4. Wait, you with your bags. (help) 5. Mike party next week. (throw) 6. 16 next Tuesday.(be) 7. In 2030 people more hybrid cars. (buy) 8. Peter sister baby. (have) 4. Adverbs 3 points Adjectives describe. Adverbs describe. Most adverbs end in . 5. Write down the adverbs! Adjectives 12 points Adverbs bad hard good careful sad quick slow happy sensible full fantastic fast 6. Fill the gaps! 8 points Look for the adjective in the first sentence. Then put the correct adverb in the second sentence. 1. The boys are loud. They shout. 2. My mum was angry. She spoke to me . 3. The painter is awful (scheusslich). He paints . 4. Simone is wonderful piano player. She plays the piano . 5. He is good writer. He writes really . 6. Aunt Emma has fast car. It runs very. 7. The girls are hungry. They ate my sandwichs. 8. The clothes are cheap. bought them . 7. vocabulary teilnehmen, auftreten Mit den besten Wünschen billig zur Seite rücken Vorhänge Überraschung sich Sorgen machen Ich habe Angst. Beziehung erfreut wertvoll, kostbar Tut mir leid bequem unhöflich, unsanft traurig Unfall Notfall Mörder Krankenschwester schwer, ernsthaft stattfinden verstehen Dorf Raubüberfall; Einbruch My preparation 24 points My feeling My guess: . 75