Arbeitsblatt: Grammar test Unit 10


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9. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Jenny Mühlemann
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Grammar Test: Unit 10 7. 2. 2011 14. Have you written tests up to now? Countable and uncountable nouns 15. always buy bread. Good luck!!! Fill in the gaps! (17 points) 1. Today have eaten apple and banana. 2. How onions have you bought? 3. need money. 4. How cheese have you eaten? 5. There is still milk in the glass. 6. The young students dont eat meat. 7. The teacher has got information for his students. 8. 9. 16. He drunk water today. Grammar Test: Unit 10 7. 2. 2011 Countable and uncountable nouns Good luck!!! Fill in the gaps! (17 points) 1. The teacher has got information for his students. 2. How cheese have you eaten? 3. There is still milk in the glass. 4. The young students dont eat meat. 5. How stamps do you need? How stamps do you need? Can have water, please? 6. Today have eaten apple and banana. 10. need paper. 7. need money. 11. Weve just heard interesting news. 8. Can have water, please? 12. dont want sugar. 9. need paper. 13. want apple juice. 10. Weve just heard interesting news. 11. dont want sugar. 12. want apple juice. 13. Have you written tests up to now? 14. How onions have you bought? 15. always buy bread. 16. He drunk water today.