Arbeitsblatt: Vocabulary Test Voices 3 Unit 7


Vocabulary Test Voices 3 Unit 7 - with Key
9. Schuljahr
3 Seiten




Gábor Kertész
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

1. Match all the words to the pictures (every pictures has at least one matching word, but some of the pictures have more). If you want, you can challenge yourself and write complete sentences! edge, helicopter, to search, slope, trained, avalanche, extreme, to rescue, bike, risk 2. Match the words with the sentences! If you want, you can challenge yourself and write new sentences! concern, relax, unpredictable, expert, reject The outcome of the lottery is He knows all about this singer; he is real on her. My mums main is that dont get my homework done. Bob his uncles offer of summer job because he wanted to travel abroad. After long race, went to the sauna to 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3. Underline the odd one out. If you want to challenge yourself, write sentence with it. a., chill-out, relax, sleep, reject, recover b., rescue, create, train, participate, marathon 4. The letters of these words and expressions got mixed up. Put them in the correct order! detrntmieoatn (die Entschlossenheit) crout (das Gericht) mvatotioin (die Motivation) csioollin (das Aneinanderprallen) rcuese (die Rettung) 5. Finish these senteces: Dan went to the street parade and danced along with train very hard because The speed limit My biggest inspiration is 6. Translate the expressions into English! (If you want, you can challenge yourself and write complete sentences!) ein(e) Frühaufsteher(in) sein in Gelächter ausbrechen eigene Ziele erreichen an etwas teilnehmen nicht vergessen, bedenken