Arbeitsblatt: Zoom in on an insect


Lernkontrolle Scenario 1.1
Gemischte Themen
5. Schuljahr
4 Seiten




Barbara De Silva

Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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English Zoom in on insects Zoom in on insects – What is an insect? Datum: Ich schreibe die Lernwörter der Lexicards korrekt und ordne sie dem richtigen Wort/Satz zu. Ich bilde korrekte Sätze mit den Präpositionen: on, beside, near, in, above, under. Ich kenne vier Insektenarten aus dem Unterricht. Ich beschrifte den Körper eines Insekts mit gegebenen Wörtern Ich verstehe einen einfachen Lückentext und ergänze richtig mit gegebenen Wörtern. Kommentar zum Test Vorbereitung Gefühl nach dem Test Lernziele: Zoom in on insects Name: Test /35 Lexicards /25 Lernziele erreicht bei Punkten. Note: Unterschrift der Eltern 1. Fill in the gaps. (_/25) Bees, ants and butterflies are Insekten Frogs and salamanders are Amphibien How much did the cat in two month? wächst live and swimm in the water. They breathe through gills. are coldblooded animals with scaly skin. dont lay eggs, thei give birth to babies. In autumn some fly south to find warmer Fische class 5 Reptilien Säugetiere Vögel september 2011 English Zoom in on insects places. Sometimes you can find insects under Look at the two sides of butterflies Stein Flügel Hawks mice and other small animals. He picture. ernähren sich von beschreibe lot of animals in the spring. Snakes have skin. Many insects have two of wings. Worms, sponges, snails, beetles and spiders are haben Junge The natural home of an animal is called its Lebensraum Most birds build nests. They reproduce by Eier legen schuppige Paar wirbellos The dragonfly is hovering the pond. The frog is sitting the pond. The caterpillar is hiding leaf. The bee is sitting the sunflower. über neben unter auf between an insect and spider? Was ist der Unterschied zwischen.? 2. What am I? class 5 (_/4) september 2011 English Zoom in on insects 3. Write 10 sentences with the different animals about this picture using: on, under, beside, near, in and above. (_/20) butterfly swallow dragonfly spider bee rabbit fox bird frog ladybird ant stork caterpillar class 5 cricket fish september 2011 English Zoom in on insects 4. Label the ant and fill in the right words. (Use the words for the ant and the text.) (_/11) head – abdomen – thorax – antennae – eye – mouth – legs – three wings Insects look so very different, but their bodies are basically the same. The body of an adult insect has main parts. Of all the invertebrates only insects have six. Insects have pair of which they can use to taste, smell, feel and touch. Some of them have pair of to fly. class 5 september 2011