Arbeitsblatt: Test Unit 7 NSE


7. Schuljahr
3 Seiten




Marigona (Spitzname)
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Name: Englischprüfung Unit 7 vom 17.2.03 1 What can you see on this table? Write the number, the word in English and the Word in German. Number English 2 German Write in the missing words: Her names Mary and from Birmingham. mothers French and father is Italian. two sisters, but she brother. 3 Mark the correct sentences () o o o My dads teacher. My friends have cars. My friends have cars. Lets go to school! like cats. My brothers got two dogs. 4 Singular and plural: Write the missing form. singular chair plural babies glass men book 5 The British flag is, and The white and flag is the flag. The yellow and flag is the flag. 6 Whats your favourite drink? Whats your favourite tv show? Whos your favourite movie star? ? Its black. 7 Write down the numbers you hear. 8 Translate this words. tent breakfast newspaper letter sugar 9 Translate this words. Spital Zimmer Hose Abend Aschenbecher Punkte: Unterschrift: Note: