Arbeitsblatt: NSE Test Unit 4


Lernkontrolle zum Unit 4
7. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Steger Patrick

Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Test English P: 72 Unit 4 ø: 26.2.10 N: N: U: 1. Look at the family tree. Read the dialogue and fill in the missing names: A: How many brothers and sisters have you got, George? B: None, Im an only child. But Ive got three cousins – Maria, Lisa and Martin. Maria is an only child, too. A: So, have you got two aunts and two uncles? B: No, Ive got two aunts but only one uncle. My mothers sister is called Isabel and my fathers sister is called Barbara. Barbaras husband, Pierre, is French. 7 2. Fill in the gaps: (Look at the dialogue in Nr 1) 13 Georges is called John. George has got two , Isabel and Barbara. Johns , Diana, is Isabels. Georges is called Pierre, hes Barbaras. Isabel has got two, called Martin, and called Lisa. Barbara is Marias . Maria is an , but shes got three Lisa, Martin and George. Martin is Lisas . 3. Listen to the phone numbers: a) b) c) d) 12 e) f) g) h) 4. Word order: Write the sentences correctly: i) j) k) l) 6 a) got sisters Pat has two b) brother got Anne hasnt c) sister has Anne got d) Pat car hasnt got e) family got hasnt big Anne f) Pat has brothers got three Write the questions correctly: 3 g) many How he brothers got has ? h) has sisters she many got How ? i) How has children got he many ? 5. Have got Use: has 13 have hes theyve hasnt havent shes Anne got big family? No, she . got one sister, but she got brother. Pats mother and father got car? No, they , but Pats uncle got very big car. all the children got bicycles? Yes, they . all got new bicycles. No, Pat got car, but got bicycle. you got bicycle? 6. Singular Plural: Singular child glass book woman baby wife watch kiss day fish 10 Plural Singular student secretary man chair box brother girl boyfriend potato lady 7. Vocabulary: sehen Zahl keine alle Schwiegermutter verheiratet Grosseltern verwitwet Plural 8 Armbanduhr Zimmer nur Stiefbruder ledig geschieden Geschwister Tochter