Arbeitsblatt: YW 2 Unit 1-6


Frage- und Antwort-Kärtchen für Partnerübung
Gemischte Themen
4. Schuljahr
5 Seiten




Claudia Wirth
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Questions and answers Number 1a What is your name? My name is Where do you live? come from Switz What is your favourite colour? My favourite number is What is your mothers name? My mother is years old. Do you have pet? Yes, have handy. No, havent handy. How old are you? have ten toes. Do you like chocolate? Yes, like country music. No, dont like country music. Questions and answers Number 1b What is your brothers name? My name is Where do you come from? live in A What is your favourite number? My favourite colour is How old is your mother? My mothers name is Do you have handy? Yes, have No, havent pet. How many toes do you have? Im years old. Do you like country music? Yes, like chocolate. No, dont like chocolate. Questions and answers Number 2a What is your favourite country? My family name is Where do you sleep? go to Migros/C&A/ for shopping. What is your fathers name? My favourite sweet food is What do you eat for breakfast? get up at in the morning. Do you have pet? Yes, have bike. No, havent bicycle. How old is your father? Im in grade 4. Do you like Donald Duck? Yes, like coffee. No, dont like coffee. Questions and answers Number 2b What is your family name? My favourite country is Where do you go for shopping? sleep my bed. What is your favourite sweet food? My fathers name is When do you get up in the morning? eat for breakfast. Do you have bicycle? Yes, have handy. No, havent handy. In which grade (Klasse) are you? My father is years old. Do you like coffee? Yes, like Donald Duck. No, dont like Donald Duck. Questions and answers Number 3a What is your favourite animal? My favourite girl‘s name is Where do you sit on? go to Italy/Mallorca/ for holidays. What is your sisters name? My favourite game is What do you drink for breakfast? go to bed at in the evening. Do you have horse? Its now. How many eyes do you have? go to the Schöntal. Do you like to play football? Yes, like my teacher. No, dont like teacher. Questions and answers Number 3b What is your favourite girls name? My favourite animal is Where do you go for holidays (Ferien)? sit on chair/bench/ What is your favourite game? My sisters name is havent sister. When do you go to bed in the evening? drink for breakfast. What time is it? Yes, have horse. No, havent horse. In which school do you go? have two eyes. Do you like your teacher? Yes, like to play football. No, dont like to play football. Questions and answers Number 4a What is your favourite food? My teacher is years old. Where do you go for some bread? can eat hamburgers. How do you feel? cathedral is very big church. What do read? There are twelve months in one year. Which day is today? wear hat/cap on my head. How many days are in one week? Beethoven is composer like Mozart. Do you like to swim? My favourite TV show is Questions and answers Number 4b How old is your teacher? My favourite food is How many hamburgers can you eat? go to the bakery for some bread. What is cathedral? feel good/ bad/okay/ How many months are in one year? read book/comic/newspaper/ What do you wear on your head? Today is Who is Beethoven? There are seven days in one week. What is your favourite TV show? Yes, like to swim. No, dont like to swim. Questions and answers Number 5a What is your favourite food? President Obamas name is Barrack. Where do you go for some bread? Yes, Berne is the capital of Switzerland. How do you feel? buy meat at the butchers. What do read? Yes, like reading books. No, dont like reading books. Which day is today? wear scarf around my neck. How many days are in one week? My birthday is on Do you like swimming? There are 24 hours in one day. Questions and answers Number 5b Whats President Obamas name? My favourite food is Is Berne the capital of Switzerland? go to the bakery for some bread. Where do you buy meat? feel good/ bad/okay/ Do you like reading books? read book/comic/newspaper/ What do you wear around your neck? Today is When is your birthday? There are seven days in one week. How many hours are in one day? Yes, like swimming. No, dont like swimming.