Arbeitsblatt: Lösungen zu U9 NSE


Lösungen zu Übungen U 9
7. Schuljahr
2 Seiten




Ursula Weiersmüller
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Lösungen Englisch Unit 9 Seite Übung Lösung 42cb 1a 1) No, she doesnt. 2) Yes, he does. 3) No, she doesnt. 4) Yes, he does. 5) Yes, he does. 42cb 1b Susan: Susan goes to school on Mondays and Thursdays. She speaks Italian with her family in Rome because they can only speak Italian. She writes an e-mail once week. George: George goes to school every morning. He speaks German with his family in Heidelberg, because they can only speak German. He writes letter twice month. Maria: Maria goes to school every afternoon. She speaks English with her family in London, because they can only speak English. She phones twice week. 43cb 2b 1. Alan goes to the metro station at 8 oclock, doesnt he? Yes, thats right. 2. Alan arrives at school at 9 oclock, doesnt he? Yes, thats right. 3. Alan starts the French lessons at 9.30, doesnt he? No, he doesnt, he starts the French lessons at 9 oclock. 4. Alan drinks coffee at 10 oclock, doesnt he? No, he doesnt, he drinks (cup of coffee at 10.30. 5. Alan has lunch at 12 oclock. Yes, thats right. 6. Alan eats dinner with his French family at 8 oclock, doesnt he? No, he doesnt, he eats dinner with his French family at 7.30. 44cb 3b 1. Its 8.15 2. Its 4.45 3. Its 6.15 4. Its 2.15 5. Its 10.45 6. Its 9.15 7. Its 2.45 8. Its 7.15 9. Its 9.45 10. Its 5.45 – – – – – – – – – – quarter past eight quarter to five quarter past six quarter past two quarter to eleven quarter past nine quarter to three quarter past seven quarter to nine quarter to six Seite Übung Lösung 45cb 4b 1. He drinks tea twice day. 2. He plays tennis three times week. 3. He plays football once year. 4. He reads the newspaper once day. 5. He sees his girlfriend four times week. 6. He eats in restaurant twice week. 7. He goes to the bank once month. 8. He goes to London once week. 9. He eats spaghetti three times month. 45cb 5 1. He often sees his girlfriend. 2. He sometimes goes to the cinema. 3. He often plays tennis. 4. He never rides bicycle. 5. He always reads the newspaper. 6. He sometimes goes to France. 7. He never goes skiing. 8. He often eats in restaurant. 46cb 7a is goes learns does writes likes has got finishes watches phones 47cb 7b 1. She sometimes goes to the cinema on Saturdays. 2. Where does she work? 3. Does he always read the newspaper in the bus? 4. He usually drinks cup of coffee at eleven oclock. 5. She always goes to work by bus. 6. She never does her homework with her friends. 7. Does he often write to his girlfriend? 8. How often does he fly to Paris? Lösungen Englisch Unit 9 Lösungen Englisch Unit 9 Lösungen Englisch Unit 9 Lösungen Englisch Unit 9