Arbeitsblatt: How was your Christmas holiday?


Mündliches Fragespiel über die Weihnachtsferien. Sehr ergiebig. Ab 5. Kl.
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1 Seiten




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Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

How was your Christmas holiday? Have you been over 2000 above sea level? Did you eat cheese fondue? Did you eat meat fondue? Did you go in swimming hall? Did you ride horse? Have you been abroad? Did you go jogging? Did you go skiing? Did you go snowboarding? Did you go ice skating? Did you play table tennis? Did you play chess? Did you play board game with your family? Did you visit your grandparents? Did you get CD on Christmas? Did you have quarrel with your brother or sister? Did you see wild fox or deer? Did you travel by train? Have you been in Lucerne? Did you watch big firework? Did you help cleaning the flat? Did you bake bread or cake? Did you repair something? Did you go to concert or theatre? Did you watch romantic movie? Did you read detective story? Did you sing at Christmas? Did you watch birds eating on birdhouse? Did you sleep until 10 oclock at New Year? Did you go sledging? Mit diesem Fragebogen können die Sch. herumgehen und Mitschüler befragen. Wird eine Frage bejaht, notieren sie die Initialen des Befragten. Ziel ist es möglichst alle Fragen bejaht zu bekommen. Man darf aber höchstens 3 mal gleichen Initialen bekommen. (damit möglichst viele Kinder angesprochen werden)