Arbeitsblatt: Short forms of "to be"


Sätze mit dem Verb "to be", bei denen man die short form bilden muss.
5. Schuljahr
1 Seiten




Jasmin Signer
Land: Schweiz
Registriert vor 2006

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Textauszüge aus dem Inhalt:

Short forms of to be Short forms of to be in positive sentences: am I‘m you are he is/she is/it is we are you are they are you‘re hes/shes/it‘s we‘re youre they‘re Can you write the short forms of to be? Look at the example. 1. She is good swimmer. Shes good swimmer. 2. He is in sports club. 3. They are very best friends. 4. You are winners. 5. am hungry. 6. You are tennis player. 7. They are concentrating. 8. We are fit enough. 9. You are in the drama club. 10. We are ready. 11. am football player. 12. They are good at running. 13. He is fair. 14. You are very good tennis player. 15. It is cold outside. 16. We are small group. 17. She is an intelligent girl. 18. You are like brothers for me. 19. They are going now. 20. We are back. 21. am taller than you.